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    Key points to understand in cold storage of fruits
     Hits:1459 AddTime:2024/1/15 16:26:20
    Many fruits have a short fresh fruit period, and if the supply period of eating fruits can be extended through refrigeration, it can also achieve good economic benefits. So, how to store fruits in a cold storage, what are your requirements? Please refer to the following one by one introductions
    Firstly, the cold storage needs to be disinfected and fumigated with sulfur to ensure that fruits are stored in a clean environment. If the storage temperature is usually around zero to three degrees.
    The fruits stored in the cold storage should be screened to remove fruits with scars, diseases, and pests.
    And it should be cleaned and disinfected to prevent bacteria from spreading in the cold storage. The cleaned fruits should be placed on the ground, ventilated and dried overnight in a cool place, and cooled down. Then, they should be packaged in paper boxes and stored in the warehouse
    During the process of transporting fruits into the cold storage, it is important to handle them with care to avoid fruit damage caused by bumps.
    Fruits should be neatly stacked in the cold storage, with gaps between boxes to facilitate ventilation. Some larger cold storage units also need to add ventilation equipment
    In a cold storage, besides a temperature of 0-3 degrees, the humidity must reach 80%. This way, the fruit can maintain freshness and not shrink.
    Fruits should be inspected at any time during storage. If any rotten or spoiled fruits are found, they should be promptly removed. Fruits should be gradually warmed up when leaving the warehouse, with a temperature of 2-3 degrees Celsius each time, to avoid excessive temperature difference and fruit spoilage.
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