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Nantong Tengyu takes you to understand the mode of logistics and transportation.
 Hits:3464 AddTime:2018/9/15 10:54:07
Transportation mode is the means, method and type of passenger and freight transportation, which is to complete the passenger and freight transport tasks and to take a certain nature, type of technical equipment and certain management means.
All modes of transport have their strengths and weaknesses. While giving full play to their respective advantages, we should pay attention to mutual complementarity and cooperation to meet the requirements of national economic development for the transport industry. Then, what are the modes of logistics transportation? Let Nantong Xiaobian International Logistics Co., Ltd. and you go to understand it!
The mode of logistics transportation includes:
1, road transport
The main way is to use freight cars to transport on highways. The main advantages of highway transportation are flexible mobility, large coverage, and can carry out "door to door" transport services; suitable for close transportation, low freight costs at close distance; easy loading and unloading; less restrictions on batches; corresponding to the need for greater flexibility. The main drawbacks are that it is not suitable for large-scale transport; the long-distance transport costs are higher; it is easy to produce pollution, noise, traffic jams and other public hazards, and is prone to accidents, energy consumption.
2. Railway transportation
It is the mode of transport carried out by railway vehicles on railways. The main advantages of railway transportation are that it is less affected by natural conditions and has stability, safety and timeliness; it is suitable for large-scale transportation and medium-long-distance rapid transportation; it has low freight charges for medium-long-distance transportation; it can implement nationwide planned operation; and it can save energy. The main drawbacks are: high close freight; long loading and unloading, marshalling time, long cargo detention time; impossible to carry out "door-to-door" service; poor flexibility, can only operate on fixed lines. Poor adaptability to temporary emergency transport requirements.
3. Waterway transportation
It is the mode of transportation by means of ships on waterways. Water transportation is also divided into river transportation, coastal transportation, offshore transportation and ocean transportation. The main advantages of waterway transportation are low cost of long distance transportation, suitable for large-scale, heavy cargo transportation, suitable for bulk cargo transportation of raw materials, energy saving. The main shortcomings are: slow transportation speed, greatly restricted by port conditions; high handling costs; poor accuracy of transport time; by the water level, season, climate.
4. Air transport
It is a mode of transportation by air or air by means of aircraft or other aircraft. The main advantages of air transport are its high speed of transportation, its suitability for the transportation of high value goods with high freight bearing capacity, its suitability for the medium and long distance transportation of small quantities of goods, its low requirements for the packing of goods and its less damage to the goods in the course of transportation. The main drawback is that the freight is high, the weight is limited, and the airport is limited.
5. Pipeline transportation
It is the transportation mode of transporting gas, liquid and powdered solid by pipeline, [5]. The form of transportation depends on the orderly movement of objects in the pipeline along the direction of pressure. The main advantages of pipeline transportation are that loss and loss can be avoided in the course of transportation; there is no invalid transportation formed by the consuming power of other transportation equipment itself in the course of transportation; it is suitable for the transportation of materials with large volume and continuous movement. Its main feature is that it is highly specialized and has no universality and is only suitable for the transportation of special materials.
The above is Nantong Tengyu International Logistics Co., Ltd. to provide you with the logistics transport mode of what answers, sincerely hope to help you! You want to know more about the basic service rights, freight transport mode and breach of contract rights protection methods and life services rights protection knowledge, please pay more attention to Nantong Tengyu International Logistics Co., Ltd.
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