Simple classification of cold storage high temperature storehouse and low temperature storehouse |
Hits:3381 AddTime:2018/10/10 10:53:11 |
Due to the company the customer type is various, but the main store goods customers there are two main types: 1, high temperature customers: the main storage peanuts, raisins, mushrooms, black fungus, red jujube, these categories of dried fruit, dry goods to customers.The other merchants mainly has high temperature cold storage, cold storage of the class at 0 ℃ to 5 ℃ storage temperature. High temperature library: temperature control in the range 0 ~ 10 ℃.Temperature of some high, some low.Such as pear of the optimum temperature for 0.5 ~ 1.5 ℃, grapefruit appropriate storage temperature of 0 ~ 10 ℃, the suitable temperature of hami melon is 3 ~ 4 ℃, the suitable storage of banana is 11 ~ 16 ℃ temperature.Although the temperature is a little difference, but collectively known as the high temperature.
2, low temperature clients: frozen goods mainly stadium area customers, a customer characteristics of the goods from the supplier of the class when frozen core temperature below - 10 ℃ in advance, and specially refrigerated trucks point-to-point direct sale of cold storage.This class is: chicken, duck, pig, cattle and sheep by-product, and some of the categories of cooked food, regulate product also needs to be stored in low temperature cold storage preservation of frozen food.
Low-temperature library: also called low temperature cold storage, frozen refrigerating room, main freezing storage has good food, temperature in 18 ~ 25 ℃ this range.Different varieties, the storage temperature is different. Library at low temperature, low temperature is also varies according to the varieties, such as meat appropriate storage temperature is 23 ℃ - 18 ~ -, appropriate storage temperature for ice cream - 23 ~ 30 ℃, the temperature has more
Low temperature library, such as tuna, appropriate storage temperature for - 40 ~ 50 ℃, stricter quality requirements, to reach 60 ℃.
Through the above explanation, simple distinction between the products for refrigerated customers deposit category, at the same time to better ensure the quality of goods storage and providing reliable service! |
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